Saturday, October 13, 2007

Kodavas- Need 2 be United

The Kodava population is declining, and its culture is undergoing tremendous changes in recent times. The Kodava population is around one and half lakh of six lakh in Kodagu (the Coorg district in Karnataka, well-known for the birth place of the river Kaveri, and coffee estates) . An equal number of Kodava people are found in the other districts of Karnataka and in major cities of India. The Kodavas are known for their well-knit joint family system, but this system is losing ground.

The Kodava-speaking people in Kodagu include Kodava, Amma Kodava, Airi, Hegade, Banna, Maleya, Koyava, Koleya, Madivala, and others.

There was a time when the attempts being made to bring all the Kodava-speaking communities together suffered a minor setback. Some members of the "Hegade" and "Airi" communities demanded representation in the Karnataka Kodava Sahitya Academy. Members from those communities have been chosen members now. This is seen as a step closer to realising the goal of forging unity.

Some Kodava-speaking communities are of the opinion that they should be declared as Kodavas by the federal Kodava body without being asked to file applications. Some, on the other hand, are waiting eagerly to join the Kodava fold. There is also the possibility that the body concerned, whether Akhila Kodava Samaja or the Federation of Kodava Samajas, is likely to gauge the antecedents of the Kodava-speaking communities before considering their claims. In that case, a relaxation in the rigid rules may be necessary.

The issues before the Kodava linguistic community are really issues that many castes in other regions in India are trying to come to terms with. Should they include sections of society as part of their own, especially when these sections were historically kept out of the major group?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Parents Need 2 Wake UP

Parents send their children out to take up a professional course after spending lakhs of rupees but most of the children go against their parents' wishes and in the end make sure that heir parents put their heads down in shame.

As for the parents who send their childrens to colleges for studies, they should take care and also keep a strict vigil on their wards. Some parents have this habit of just washing off their hands the moment they send their children to college. But this should not be the attitude as you never know what is happening and what is lying in store.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Appreciation for Coffee

The appreciation for coffee is not unlike an appreciation for wine--the more you know, the more your experience is enhanced. There are four main elements one may notice when drinking coffee. An excellent blend will exhibit all four characteristics and bring them to the taster in a pleasing and well-balanced combination.

Our flavored coffees also exhibit these coffee characteristics--culminating in a complex taste profile. We use a lighter roast for our flavored coffees to create the perfect balance of flavor and coffee character.


Not to be confused with bitterness, acidity in coffee brings a pleasant liveliness, sparkle, or snap to the drink that is experienced around the edges of the tongue and towards the back of the mouth. The acidity of a coffee may be assessed as lively, moderate, flat, or dull. A coffee such as our Colombian Supremo will exhibit a bright and pleasant acidity.


Aroma is the smell or bouquet of the coffee. Wake up and smell the coffee! Specialty coffee will exhibit a complex floral aroma as does Gloria Jean's Special Blend.

Coffee professionals refer to this as "mouth feel." It is the impression of lightness or of weight one experiences when drinking coffee. A full bodied coffee such as Gloria Jean's French Roast is sure to please.


In addition to the "flavor" in a flavored coffee, there is also coffee taste. Taste refers simply to the taste of the coffee. Taste experiences with coffee can range from one-dimensional (as in a "straight" or single varietal) to rich and complex (as found in some blends). Look for specific taste elements described as winey, earthy, sweet, nutty, smoky, or spicy.